Bored? What to do in times of quarantine

Aburrido en casa

With this new virus affecting our lives in a brutal way, we have not seen the obligation to be in quarantine which has not been a long time without knowing what to do, in this publication we will show you the best options to avoid being bored in this quarantine and you can take advantage of the time in different things:

Jugando Monopoly en cuarentenaSpend more time with the family:

I know this is mandatory due to quarantine but what I mean is productive time. Things as common as playing with the family from board games to telling a story or you can make popcorn or a snack and enjoy a movie or series as a family.

Leyendo bebe

If you have children from 1 to 8 Read books to them, I leave the link of 35 free children’s books here.

Board Games (Monopoly, patches and many others) are always highly recommended for the family in general. If you do not have one at home, I will leave you the image of the Iberia supermarkets that have Delivery.

aburrido en cuarentena viendo Series y PeliculasSee good movies or series

Many of us work and we did not have time to enjoy an afternoon of movies or series, watch a trilogy like The Matrix or the Lord of the Rings or famous series like Friends or Doctor House, because now is the time since we have enough time until the point of becoming bored at home by quarantine. Platforms like Netflix are not helping much at the moment but in our post I will leave you some other options.

  • See Series (Paid) – From 7 to 14 Dollars
  • Watch Movies (Free)
  • Download and Watch Series and Movies (Free)

Learn new things:

tutoriales profesor en linea

Hiring an online teacher: Hiring an online course of anything is more common than many think and so you can take advantage of learning things that you had not had the opportunity to do, from learning to play a musical instrument, learning Online Marketing, among others . The best platform at the moment for this is, which has endless courses and various teachers with a very accessible price.

In the end I discovered an alternative for Domestika and it is with a large number of teachers and various courses as well, and if you refer a friend with their sponsored links you can get up to $ 5 off for a course.

See tutorials:

Today there are many free tutorials to learn the subject you want, it is clear that it is not the same as having an online teacher but with dedication you can do it yourself. I invite you to visit where we have some tutorials such as How to create your own web pages for your business that can serve you among other recommendations.

trabajando desde casa en cuarentenaWork from home:

Working from home is more common than many think, but it should be noted that today it is more difficult than before due to the demand of people who are looking for the same thing. In this part has a Video and a publication where it gives you some tips on the jobs you can do from home.

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